
I believe you have a unique purpose

When you arrived here on earth you probably knew why you were coming here - I believe in your childhood you became confused by what you were shown and told and forgot what that is.

I believe you know more than you realise

That's why lightbulb moments - those ah-ha moments of recognition - are so important. They help you notice the truth that is hidden deep within you - they help you remember.

I believe you are here for a reason

Both on the planet and looking at this website - at this time and in this space. There is a reason why we are connecting even though we may not know it - yet.

I believe you are perfect and always have been

I believe you have forgotten who you really are - you have forgotten how magical and powerful you are and I would like to help reawaken that in you.

It’s time to let go, be kind as you grow.

Tending to your development and growth...

Self care

Great oak trees grow from small acorns – we all know this. Like every other living thing – how they grow depends on their environment and the nourishment they receive. 

You too are turning towards the light looking for what will make you develop – to nourish you and make you strong. The tracks offered here are intended to guide and support you – to help you as you adapt and evolve. If you combine them with these different kinds of self care you will find the changes easier as you will be supporting yourself more gently and kindly.

As human beings we need care for our busy minds, our tender bodies, our complex energetic systems and our core being – our spirit. Here are some suggestions that may improve the way you care for yourself in these areas.

Mind care

There are many ways to care for your mind. If it hasn’t had much care, or has had a lot to deal with during your early years then befriending it and getting to know it will have lots of benefits.

The method of stress reduction called mindfulness is becoming popular at the moment. I think the word is great – mind full ness – what is your mind full of? And would it serve you better if you sorted through it and threw some of the rubbish away to make room for something new? 

With the Words and Wisdom podcast and my EFT based Liberate tracks you have an opportunity to edit your thinking. To allow these more positive words to gently nudge old more negative words, and the ideas they create out of your mind, body and your system.

Some other ways to improve your mind's health are:

  • Meditation
  • Being in nature
  • Self development groups or courses
  • Talking with uplifting people
  • Avoiding negative information sources
  • Talking to a professional listener

Body care

Your body is so precious, you cannot travel through this world as a human being without it. You cannot leave footprints behind you without feet. 

You are here in an amazing self repairing vehicle, however unlike a car, if it breaks down it can be more difficult to get the spare parts to fix it. Do you take care of your body with good fuel and regular movement to keep it working at its best? 

After listening to the audio or video tracks here, it is important to give your body some time to rest – emotional work is still work and it can be tiring. Both your mind and your body will benefit from an opportunity to process any changes by resting your body gently.

It is also important to eat lightly and drink plenty of water.

Some other ways to improve your body's health are:

  • Alkalising or improving your diet
  • Reducing alcohol, sugar and stimulants
  • Walking barefoot in nature
  • Lying down to watch the clouds
  • Breathing deeply and appreciating breath
  • Moving your body
  • Listening to uplifting music and free dancing
  • Stretching with yoga

Energy care

For me everything in the universe is made of energy which is vibrating at various frequencies. Some things, people and places raise our energy higher and some reduce it – bringing us down.

In your home, or wherever your feet fall, you can focus your attention on any area that feels out of balance in any way.

Print or write a word with its symbol from the audio page here –  or choose some appropriate words from the full list of words here.

The Harmonise tracks (coming soon) can be played aloud, these will help to release energy blocks and rebalance any situation or any environment.

Do regular check-ins with your system. You can do this by stopping – closing your eyes and noticing how stable, power-full and joy-full you feel. You might want to listen to some stabilising or other up-lifting audio tracks and then check this again. 

Notice when you feel more energised – notice what you are doing, who you are with, where and when this happens. Give yourself time and focus to do more of the things that uplift you – rather than those that depress or lower your power and joy. When you are really full of uplifting high vibrational energies – your positive energy will naturally overflow, spreading outward into the world. 

The Harmonise tracks (coming soon) are designed to focus on re-balancing and stabilising the energy of anything they are focussed on – at a very deep (often unconscious) level. They realign long established patterns which may be held in difficult to access or hidden areas – such as ancestry, DNA, his-story, soul stories or even past lives.

Other methods to explore:

  • Smudge around your home with sage or incense
  • Have an experienced dowser clear your environment of stuck
  • Nourish your body with high vibrational organic food
  • Being around more uplifting people and places
  • Energy Healing such as Reiki or EFT (tapping)

Soul care

Imagine your soul is like a bright light – that has dropped it’s high vibration to fit in, and work with all the energies here on this planet. For me you are an eternal spiritual being – who decided to come to earth to have a human experience, and for some reason chose this crazy time of huge change and transformation. 

So, how can you nourish your soul – your own unique and amazing inner light? 

Working with your soul means working with the deepest and oldest parts of yourself, your core being, your own pure, loving, inner truth and wisdom. You can do this by tuning out the attention you give to the outer world and the opinions of others, then tuning in to your own heart, your inner knowing and your gut instinct. 

Imagine yourself in a circle of light, or surrounded by angels or other loving beings, be quiet and still – empty your mind. Then, ask a question – and expect nothing. Be a blank screen for your inner knowing to project onto.  In the quiet times the whisperings of your soul trying to communicate can often be heard. 

Listen to the Harmonise tracks (coming soon) as they speak the language of the soul. Research the words spirit, consciousness and soul – decide what FEELS true.

Some other ways to improve your soul's health are:

  • Connect to nature and its subtle messages
  • Research shamanism or other land based spiritual practices
  • Investigate divination to connect with guides or angels
  • Learn about energy healing and try it
  • Take a shamanic journey
  • Learn to trust what you know inside (your gut) more than anything

Don't forget that you are not alone...

You can also get support and guidance from the Words and Wisdom community on Facebook. If you need one to one support, our team may be able to help.
